xTool Air Assist for D1 Pro @ CNC Basix

xTool Air Assist for D1 Pro

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    R 2,999.95
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The xTool Air Assist for D1 Pro blows air through the nozzle of the laser while engraving or cutting. The purpose of this is to blow the smoke away from the laser while working, this increases the efficiency of the laser especially on wood and also result in cleaner cuts. The air assist also keep the lens of the laser cleaner than without, because any impurities are blown away from the lens.

The air assist unit is design to blow up to 30L/hour air through the laser and the noise from the unit is less than 40dB which is less not than a standard fan, so it will not create excessive noise.

This kit includes all the parts you need to install the air assist unit to your D1 Pro.


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