MASSO G3 – 5 Axis CNC Controller @ CNC Basix

MASSO G3 – 5 Axis CNC Controller

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    R 21,875.00
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MASSO G3 – 5 Axis CNC Controller


A simple and standalone CNC Controller with fully integrated hardware and software specially designed to run CNC machines independently of a PC. No need to worry about installing drivers or motion cards, just wire the MASSO to your motor drives and enter calibration values to start machining.

Includes all advanced software features:

  • Machines Supported – CNC Mill, CNC Router, CNC Lathe, CNC Waterjet, CNC Laser, CNC Plasma.
  • Built-in Wi-Fi Connectivity – MASSO Touch comes with Wi-Fi hardware and software to easily transfer g-codes files to the machine and monitor machine/job status through Wi-Fi 
  • Multi-Head – Multi-Head allows the user to control advanced multiple heads on a machine 
  • QR Scanner – QR Scanner software allows the user to connect a USB QR scanner to the MASSO G3 controller. The user can scan QR codes generated by MASSO Link software to load g-code files on the controller from the USB pen drive
  • Support for USB Touch Screens – Use a standard touch screen with USB interface to run your machine

Controller features:

  • 4 times faster then Generation 2 controllers.
  • 4 USB ports to directly connect keyboard, mouse, touchscreen and pen drive without a need of USB hub.
  • 24 Isolated Inputs
  • 18 Outputs
  • Step & Direction signals for stepper or servo drives
  • Direct spindle control with 0-10 volts, CW, CCW & PWM
  • MPG handwheel dial support

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